First time being "Mommy"

Yesterday, my boyfriend(turned dad to be) and I went to OB-Gyne to check how me and the baby doing? She asked me to unbutton my pants and she really wanted to check how the baby is so that means it's ultrasound. I saw the first image of the baby is just a head and the doctor called him over if he wants to see the baby. His reaction stunned and he look at me saying "Oh my gosh, honey" and yes, we both are very happy and excited how the baby turns.
She said my baby is normal and I'm turning 4 months. Sorry I wasn't able to asked to get a picture I mean to print it out but we were too excited and don't know what to say. At last, yes we are planning to get married this year but he is waiting for his parents to come home from Rome this coming May or June and they want their son to see our civil wedding and later on church.

I am so excited to become a Mom and I am really happy that the Lord gave us good blessing. Looking forward to see my baby soon! :)

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